
Strategic & Operational Excellence for your Marketing

Transformation and Growth. Driven by marketing. Through holistic campaigns and platforms that ensure a seamless and personalized customer journey.

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, clear strategic direction is critical to long-term success. With our expertise in growth strategies, go-to-market concepts and omnichannel strategies, we can help you realize the full potential of your marketing initiatives.

Our comprehensive 360° online marketing concepts and lead generation strategies are designed to effectively engage your target audiences and generate high-quality leads. In addition, we help you transform and personalize your marketing processes through the use of AI and big data, as well as solid data governance, to create seamless customer experiences.

From optimizing your digital touchpoints to managing change and upskilling your teams, we offer customized solutions that take your marketing strategy to the next level. Let's set the course for sustainable success together.



B2B Customers



B2B Marketing Projects



Marketing Experts

Our Marketing Services

Our services are specifically designed to support B2B companies with a clear focus on revenue marketing and the effective alignment of marketing and sales. At the heart of our services is a marketing strategy designed to optimize the entire marketing process and drive significant revenue. In addition, we offer Account Based Marketing (ABM), which aligns marketing activities with specific target groups to increase sales efficiency. Our marketing operations consulting ensures that your marketing activities are organized and executed efficiently.

At the operational level, we support you with comprehensive services, including campaign development and management, where we develop, implement and optimize creative concepts to achieve maximum reach and impact. Combined with performance marketing, we ensure that your marketing campaigns deliver measurable results. Our digital communications services ensure consistent and effective communications across all digital channels.

In addition, we offer specialized services such as marketing automation, CRM implementation and data analytics that automate and optimize your marketing and sales processes using data. With UI/UX design and web development (CMS), we ensure that your digital platforms are user-friendly and technically up-to-date, increasing customer satisfaction and conversion rates.

Our Media and Campaign Expertise

B2B marketing can be broken down into two key areas: demand generation and demand fulfillment. While demand generation aims to generate interest among potential customers, demand fulfillment focuses on targeting existing demand and converting it into sales.

In demand generation, we use account-based marketing to leverage CRM data to directly target custom audiences and complex buying centers. On platforms like LinkedIn, we create content tailored to the needs of each buying persona. Our team of sales consultants and digital marketers ensures that your messages are delivered to the right accounts

To meet demand, we use search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO) and retargeting (e.g., Google Display or Meta) to efficiently engage prospects and extend the customer journey.

Our full-service approach to campaign management includes media planning, budget deployment, controlling and analytics to leverage your marketing investments and achieve measurable success.

Our MarTech Expertise

Today's marketing management is all about technology and data. Successful strategies go beyond creative and media management to leverage cutting-edge technologies to make data-driven decisions and optimize campaigns in real time. Our partnerships with Salesforce, Braze, HubSpot, and the Google Marketing Platform give you the tools to make your marketing, sales, and service processes more efficient and targeted.

By integrating MarTech solutions into your marketing operations, we create seamless, cross-channel customer experiences. We combine these technologies with leading data, AI and automation solutions. Our partnerships with, Snowflake, databricks and Oktopost enable you to gain deeper insights into customer behavior and automate routine tasks. This maximizes efficiency and lays the foundation for sustainable growth. So you can stay competitive in the digital age and continuously improve your business performance.

Our engagement types

It is critical to have a partner who can respond flexibly to your needs. Our engagement types fit seamlessly into your structure and provide the support you need. Whether it is inspiration, piloting, transformation or outsourcing, we adapt our services and work closely with you to achieve your goals. We strive for long-term partnerships and provide ongoing support along the way. Our engagement types include

  • Inspiration: We work with your team to develop initial approaches that take advantage of current trends and best practices in digital corporate communications.

  • Safari: A multi-day deep dive into a specific topic, providing in-depth insights and actionable recommendations.

  • Pilot: We help you pilot new communication strategies or technologies to test their effectiveness.

  • Transformation: We design holistic programs that leverage your internal capabilities and service providers to support a comprehensive transformation.

  • Retainer (Business Process Outsourcing): As a long-term partner, we take over the ongoing planning, management, implementation and optimization of your digital communications strategies, allowing you to focus on your core business.

  • Interim roles: Whether it's a BDR for lead generation or a Salesforce administrator, we're happy to provide our experts in interim roles to help you manage the transformation.

Megatrend: Revenue Marketing. The breakthrough from creative to cash.

Revenue marketing is the development of marketing campaigns specifically designed to acquire new customers and generate measurable revenue. While revenue plays a role in all forms of marketing, revenue marketing integrates this critical factor directly into the strategy.

In the past, it was difficult for companies to directly link every marketing dollar to the revenue generated. However, with the development of modern CRM tools, it is now possible to accurately track the success of marketing efforts and often get a clear view of return on investment (ROI).This change is a multi-year transformation from traditional marketing, as most B2B companies know and practice it, to an interconnected system in which every dollar spent is linked to every dollar earned.

This shift is a multi-year transformation from traditional marketing, as most B2B companies know and practice it, to an interconnected system in which every dollar spent is linked to every dollar earned.

As your partner, we consistently follow this approach and always connect marketing and sales - our clients clearly see the difference this way of working makes. It is the future for most B2B companies.

We work for global market leaders, B2B corporations, family-owned businesses and hidden champions.

Case Study: ALPLA

ALPLA, a leading provider of packaging solutions, has significantly developed its digital communication strategy. As digital lead agency, we supported ALPLA from the conception of innovative campaigns to sales support. With a clear focus on sustainability, innovation and an agile sales strategy, ALPLA has launched initiatives to consolidate its market leadership and position itself as a thought leader in the plastics industry. Three key aspects of our collaboration were

  1. CEO communication via TikTok by Philipp Lehner: ALPLA used TikTok in an innovative way by personally featuring CEO Philipp Lehner. This initiative appeals to a younger target group and offers authentic insights into the company's management, which sets ALPLA apart from its competitors.

  2. Creative thought leadership campaigns in the plastics industry: ALPLA has established itself as a thought leader through creative campaigns. These campaigns highlight sustainable packaging solutions and ALPLA's innovative strength to demonstrate industry expertise and stimulate discourse.

  3. Account Based Marketing (ABM): ALPLA focused on sales transformation as it expanded into new business areas such as pharmaceuticals and &. Through a targeted ABM strategy, including website optimization, targeted LinkedIn campaigns and an effective omni-channel outreach strategy, ALPLA successfully entered new markets.

Case Study: BTV Digital Strategy

As part of the long-term corporate strategy for 2030, we supported BTV in its comprehensive digital transformation. Based on this vision, several programs and projects were defined to drive BTV's digital transformation.

First, we conducted a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of BTV's entire digital presence. All customer-facing touchpoints were carefully examined to identify weaknesses and opportunities for improvement.

Based on these findings, we defined targeted implementation projects to drive BTV's digital transformation. These included the implementation of a new, user-friendly website, the development of service platforms, and the optimization of digital marketing and sales.

These measures not only enabled BTV to improve its customer interactions, but also to make its internal processes more efficient in order to meet the demands of the digital future. We have been and continue to be a key partner in BTV's journey to digital excellence.

Case Study: Lenzing

Lenzing, a leading global producer of sustainable wood-based fibers, plays a key role in the textile industry. With more than 80 years of experience, Lenzing has made significant progress in sustainable production and digital transformation. The communications strategy was realigned to create a comprehensive digital customer experience. Our services included

  • Annual and sustainability reports: The digitally redesigned report highlights Lenzing's commitment to sustainability. Content was made available across platforms to ensure a consistent and strong message.

  • Social media support: Social media strategy focused on clear, consistent communication across investor relations, corporate communications and sustainability to build trust and interest.

  • Website Relaunch: A new design system ensures brand and design consistency across all digital touchpoints and provides the foundation for the relaunch of multiple websites based on Storyblok.

  • Management Consulting & Program Managemen: As part of the transformation, multi-project management was introduced to ensure smooth coordination and control of multiple parallel projects. This service makes it possible to implement complex projects while keeping an eye on all goals and resources.

Our Solutions for the B2B Marketing

  • 01.

    Account Based Marketing

    Target customers with data-driven strategies and personalized campaigns tailored to the needs of your buying center and sales cycle. Target customers with data-driven strategies and personalized campaigns tailored to the needs of your buying center and sales cycle

  • 02.

    Digital Communications

    We develop integrated communications strategies that position your brand consistently and effectively across all digital channels.

  • 03.


    With our Digital Experience Platforms (DXP) and Content Management Systems (CMS), we create seamless and personalized customer experiences that strengthen your digital presence. Especially with MACH technologies.

  • 04.


    With a comprehensive 360-degree view of your customers, we enable deeper personalization and optimized interactions through marketing automation along the entire customer journey.

  • 05.

    Transformation & Execution Consulting

    As your digital transformation partner, we help you from strategy development to successful execution.

  • 06.

    Experience Design

    We design user-centered digital interfaces and experiences that inspire your customers and drive business performance.

  • 07.

    Creative Growth & Performance Consulting

    Our creative and data-driven strategies maximize the growth potential and performance of your marketing efforts.

  • 07.

    Data Analytics

    We use precise data analysis to provide you with the insights you need to make informed decisions and improve your business performance.

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The B2B Marketing & Sales Playbook

In the face of economic challenges such as recession, declining number of orders and increasing pressure to go digital, one thing is clear: the party is over. In our OMR Masterclass 2024, our founder Matteo Ender and partner Manuel Kuhn present the B2B Marketing & Sales Playbook - a strategic guide with seven success factors that are crucial for your business success.

From account-based marketing to social selling and digital self-service platforms: Learn from best practices and real-world use cases how to optimize your customer journey and drive sustainable revenue. A must-watch for B2B decision makers and marketing professionals.

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