
Björn Lange

Partner Commerce

creative - authentic - consistent

Björn is a leader. But also a developer. And a team sportsman. And a family man. And now our partner in commerce. But let's start from the beginning:

After completing his IT degree at Deutsche Telekom, he moved on to well-known IT companies such as best it AG and TWT. We are delighted that his career path has now taken him to TOWA. With a stoic philosophy, self-improvement and his love of agile methods, teams perform at their best. This endeavour has already been rewarded with several prizes in the field of commerce. He sums it up himself: "Developer at heart, manager by choice." Björn achieves continuous success and improvement not only at work. But even he sometimes has enough of commerce & code. Then his family is his most important balance. But he appreciates variety, so he also enjoys sport in his free time. He is also very active on LinkedIn and shares one or two tips with his community.


minutes spotify daily


days of sport



aaand we've got more

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Solving them by combining software development, UX and UI design, quality assurance and consulting is our key competence. Let´s hear your challenge!