Creative Growth & Performance Consulting

Surprise customers. Create demand. Grow successfully.

We help you find your growth formula – whether it's a creative idea or an insight from the data. We identify the right channel and the right target group.

In a dynamic business world, B2B brands are challenged to continually rethink their communications strategy, message and positioning. With our Creative Growth & Performance Consulting, we help you drive growth by combining creativity and technology.

We help you build your digital marketing team and technology infrastructure to effectively use your own data to identify the right channels and audiences. Our consulting approach is to find your growth formula - whether it's a creative idea or an insight from the data. We ensure that your message reaches the right audience and generates sustainable growth for your business.



Marketing Strategists



B2B Customers



B2B Campaigns

Megatrend: Revenue Marketing. The breakthrough from creative to cash.

Revenue marketing is the development of marketing campaigns specifically designed to acquire new customers and generate measurable revenue. While sales play a role in all forms of marketing, revenue marketing integrates this critical factor directly into the strategy.

In the past, it was difficult for companies to directly link every marketing dollar to the revenue generated. However, with the development of modern CRM tools, it is now possible to accurately track the success of marketing efforts and often get a clear view of return on investment (ROI).

This shift is a multi-year transformation from traditional marketing, as most B2B companies know and practice it, to an interconnected system where every dollar spent is linked to every dollar earned.

As your partner, we take this approach to marketing and sales, and our clients see the difference it makes. It is the future for most B2B companies.

Creative B2B Campaigns for Success

Even in B2B marketing, where data and strategy are at the forefront, creative remains the critical factor that determines the success of B2B and ABM campaigns. Creativity is the variable for success - that's why, as an account-based marketing agency, our campaigns rely on thoughtful, creative approaches that combine business objectives with emotional appeal. This includes

  • Perfect story and content: A compelling story and the right content are essential to capturing the interest of your target audience. These must be based on strong strategic insight to be truly relevant and capture attention.

  • Need-based campaigns: Decision makers are inundated with requests every day. Only campaigns that are tailored to the needs of the target audience will win. We identify the pain points and needs of each buying persona and develop customized messages that speak to their needs.

  • Speak the audience's language: Using the right jargon and technical terms for the industry and target audience is critical to success. Only by speaking to the market can a B2B marketing campaign be successful.

Our Marketing growth Services

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    Strategic Marketing Consulting

    Development of a customized marketing strategy to optimize the entire marketing process and achieve impact. We help your company identify revenue drivers and implement marketing technology.

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    Marketing Operating Model Consulting

    Optimize your marketing operating model for greater efficiency, agility, and market focus. We analyze your structures, processes and resources and develop a customized model for the future. Our service includes best practices, agile working methods and alignment with business objectives.

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    End-to-End Campaign Development and Management

    Design, implement and manage marketing campaigns that generate measurable revenue. Our services cover the entire campaign development process, from creative ideation to analysis and optimization.

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    Creative Brand Development Consulting

    Creative consulting to develop unique brand identities and campaigns that not only attract attention, but also drive sales. We help you create brand messages and visual concepts that effectively engage your B2B target audience.

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    Performance Marketing Audit and Optimization

    Analysis and optimization of your existing performance marketing activities. We identify opportunities and provide customized solutions to increase efficiency and maximize your marketing performance.

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    B2B Content Marketing

    Development and implementation of content marketing strategies specifically designed to increase sales. We create content that not only informs, but also directly encourages interaction.

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    Analytics Consulting

    Consulting on the implementation of analytics tools that provide deep insight into user behavior and support data-driven decisions in the design and development process.

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    B2B Marketing Automation

    Consulting and implementation of personalized marketing automation solutions tailored to the unique needs of your B2B customers to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Case Study: Tyrolit

For almost a century, Tyrolit has stood for innovation and the highest quality. As part of the Swarovski Group, Tyrolit provides customized solutions for a wide range of industries in more than 65 countries. To strengthen its digital presence, we developed a groundbreaking marketing campaign with AI-driven creative solutions in June 2023.

AI Generated Campaign Assets with Midjourney

Using Midjourney & precise prompt engineering, stunning visual content was generated that perfectly reflected Tyrolit's brand identity. These AI-generated images and graphics, aligned with Tyrolit's values and aesthetic, were used throughout the campaign.

Leading the way in AI and creativity

With this campaign, realized as early as mid-2023, we showed how AI can revolutionize the creative process. While many companies were still exploring the possibilities of artificial intelligence, we set the standard for combining AI and creative excellence.

Case Study: ALPLA

ALPLA, a leading global provider of packaging solutions, has been developing its digital communication strategy over the past few years. With a focus on sustainability and innovation, several initiatives have been launched to consolidate its market leadership and position itself as a thought leader in the plastics industry. Three key aspects of our communication work with ALPLA were

  • CEO communication via TikTok by Philipp Lehner: ALPLA took an innovative approach by having CEO Philipp Lehner personally present on TikTok. This initiative allowed the company to reach a younger audience and provide authentic insights, differentiating the company from its competitors.

  • Creative thought leadership campaigns around plastics: ALPLA established itself as a plastics thought leader through creative campaigns. These campaigns raised awareness of sustainable packaging solutions and led to valuable industry discussions.

  • Educational content related to plastics and recycling: A focus was on developing educational content that made complex issues related to plastics and recycling understandable. This content informed diverse audiences about the benefits and challenges of plastics and recycling.

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The B2B Marketing & Sales Playbook

In the face of economic challenges such as recession, declining number of orders and increasing pressure to go digital, one thing is clear: the party is over. In our OMR Masterclass 2024, our founder Matteo Ender and partner Manuel Kuhn present the B2B Marketing & Sales Playbook - a strategic guide with seven success factors that are crucial for your business success.

From account-based marketing to social selling and digital self-service platforms: Learn from best practices and real-world use cases how to optimize your customer journey and drive sustainable revenue. A must-watch for B2B decision makers and marketing professionals.